Winter Break Writing Craftivity
This Winter Break Writing Craftivity is perfect for the first week back from your holiday break. It offers students a chance to share about their favorite memories from their time off and it gets them back into the swing of things when it comes to writing. Getting back into the routine back be hard after a long break, so this winter break writing craft is the ideal way to give them the opportunity to transition back to school mode.

Many times we want to give students opportunities to share all the fun things they did while they were away on break, but it can be hard to find the time to do it with the push toward jumping right back into learning.
This January Writing Craft is a great way to let students share those great memories while working on the writing process, and when students finish you’ll have the perfect banner or bulletin board display for the month.

What’s included with this Winter Break Writing Craft?
After any long break, it can be challenging to get students on track with academics. This writing craft was designed to be easy-to-implement and standards-focused to jumpstart students learning after the holidays. Here’s what you’ll find in this resource.
Brainstorming Graphic Organizers
This craft contains two different graphic organizers to help students get ready to write.
Winter Break Top Ten List – Idea Generating Graphic Organizer
To help students get started with this craft, I’ve included a Top Ten Moments from Winter Break organizer. This will help students reflect and identify memories they may want to write about.
You can start by brainstorming some memories from your break with the group to model how to get started. Then send them off to create their lists!
Once students have brainstormed their winter break memories, you’ll want to have them pick which idea they want to write about.
I love pairing students up to discuss their Top 10 lists and then letting them discuss which idea they’ll write about with their partner.

Generating Details Pre-Writing Graphic Organizer

The second graphic organizer gets students to break down their memory and identify three key details. This is perfect for helping writers make sure they get the important parts of their memory into their final writing.
This organizer allows students to write in their topic, and then they brainstorm the three most important things they want others to know about that memory or event. This makes it easy to transition into sentences or paragraphs one they get started.
Since the template isn’t huge, I had my students stick to three details. This helps keep the project from being overwhelming for struggling or reluctant writers during the first week back from break.
Writing Templates & Bulletin Board Header
Students use the template to write about a special memory from winter break. You can make this a mini personal narrative writing exercise or let it be expository. The prompt allows for some flexibility to meet the needs of your learners. The template includes lines to help students do their best writing and to keep your project looking neat.
Students write their name and draw an illustration of their memory on the empty part of the snow globe.

Creating a January Bulletin Board
Once students cut out their snow globes, you can either have them staple their illustration over their writing to create a liftable flap or you can attach the two items back-to-back over a string to create a banner you can hang in your room.
The resource also includes a printable bulletin board title – “Our break was SNOW much fun.”
How to Purchase this Winter Break Writing Craft
You can purchase this January Writing Craft as a digital download from my website. It comes ready to print!
You can also purchase it on Teachers Pay Teachers.

Looking for other writing crafts? Read more about these projects by clicking the images.